FRA plots of Kordia SAG AAA285-F05 partial genome (283.58 kb), against (A) two different stations from the Tara Oceans metagenomes (TARA_039_MES and TARA_085_MES) and (B) two metagenomes from the Malaspina 2010 circumnavigation expedition deep metagenomes (MP0326 at 4,000 m deep and MP1494 at 2,150 m deep). FRA has been done competitively between the four available Kordia genomes. Metagenomic reads are displayed according to their position against de reference genome (X-axis, genome coordinates) and their identity percentage (Y-axis). The gray line located at 95% identity in the Y-axis corresponds to 95% average nucleotide identity (ANI), threshold for bacterial species categorization. The bars on the right show the amount of reads mapped at each identity percentage. Duplicates and reads mapped to the ribosomal operon have been removed to avoid bias.