Figure 5.
Country-level effects and total contextual effects (combining country- and survey-levels) from a multilevel logistic regression model predicting non-numeric response.
Source: As for Figure 1.
Notes: The dots represent the country-level effects, estimated using posterior means of the random intercepts for each country. Positive values (e.g., Cameroon, Indonesia) indicate that a country has higher levels of non-numeric IFS than would be predicted given observed values for all individual- and survey-level variables. Values that are significantly different from 0 at a 95% level of confidence are displayed with filled circles, while values that are not statistically significant are displayed with open circles.
The printed years represent the combined country- and survey-level effects, or the posterior intercepts for levels 2 and 3. They represent the total group-level variation included in the model. When compared to country-level effects, these values show the additional variation captured at the survey level. The labels are centered around the data points, so the precise estimate is between the 2nd and 3rd digits of each year. Values that are significantly different from 0 at a 95% level of confidence are printed in bold italic.