Mst2 Counteracts siRNA-Directed De Novo Heterochromatin Assembly
(A) Scheme: de novo silencing in trans by siRNAs from a hairpin RNA-producing locus is repressed by Paf1C and other protein complexes.
(B) Experimental setup: white (expressed) or red (silenced) colonies were selected, and their descendants were analyzed for initiation and maintenance of the silenced state, respectively.
(C) Descendants were categorized by color, and the percentage of colonies containing non-white (red) cells was calculated. The p value was calculated using the two-sided, two-sample Student’s t test (n ≥ 3 individual white colonies). Exact numbers are listed in the STAR Methods.
(D) Silencing assays were performed with indicated mutant strains to illustrate the difference between initiation and maintenance of silencing. A representative experiment is shown. Note that quantification shown in (C) was not based on this assay, because individual colonies cannot be clearly distinguished. For (C) and (D), see the STAR Methods for details.