Isolate ID | Location of isolation |
Date of isolation |
Phylogenomic lineageb |
Phylogroupc | No. of isolate-specific gene clustersd |
E2348/69 | England | 1969 | EPEC1 | B2 | 206 |
B171 | United States | 1983 | EPEC2 | B1 | 131 |
C581-05 | Africa | NK | EPEC4 | B2 | 141 |
401140 | Kenya | 2008 | EPEC5 | A | 90 |
402290 | Kenya | 2009 | EPEC7 | B1 | 169 |
401588 | Kenya | 2008 | EPEC8 | B2 | 212 |
302053 | Mozambique | 2009 | EPEC9 | B2 | 53 |
100329 | The Gambia | 2008 | EPEC10 | A | 62 |
E110019 | Finland | 1987 | None | B1 | 164 |
ID, identifier; NK, date of isolation not known.
The total number of core gene clusters (LS-BSR ≥ 0.8) in all EPEC isolates.
The numbers of gene clusters with significant similarity (LS-BSR ≥ 0.8) in all genomes of one phylogroup that were divergent (LS-BSR < 0.8, ≥ 0.4) or absent (LS-BSR < 0.4) from genomes of other phylogroups were 44 (phylogroup A), 62 (phylogroup B1), and 128 (phylogroup B2).
The isolate-specific genes are those identified in one genome with an LS-BSR ≥ 0.8 and in the other genomes with an LS-BSR < 0.4.