General characteristics of included meta-analyses the included meta-analyses
Study | Year | Country | Studies | Participants | Interventions | Sleep assessment |
Araghi et al.15 | 2013 | UK | 2 | 63a men and women with obstructive sleep apnea, 46–54 years of age (X̄ = 50) | Exercise lasting 12 weeks | AHI |
Chiu et al.9 | 2015 | China | 9 | 599a men and women with cancer (42% breast), ≥18 years of age (X̄ ± SD, 54.4 ± 5.7) | Supervised and unsupervised walking included in interventions lasting 5–35 weeks (X̄ = 10), frequency 3–10× week (X̄ = 4.5), duration 20–90 minutes per session (X̄ = 37.5), intensity classified as moderate in 7 studies, moderate to vigorous in 1, and not reported in another, compliance 32.4–93.3% (X̄ = 77.0%) | – |
Yang et al.14 | 2012 | China | 6 | 305 older adults (171 exercise, 134 control) with sleep problems, 48.6–72 years of age (X̄ ± SD, 62.7 ± 7.4) | Aerobic and/or strength training 10–52 weeks (X̄ ± SD, 21 ± 15), frequency 3–5× week (X̄ ± SD, 4 ± 1), duration 10–60 minutes per session, intensity 60–75% HRR (1 study), 60–85% HRR (1 study), 60–85% MHR (1 study), 55–75% MHR (1 study) | PSQI (global score, subscales of subjective sleep, sleep latency, sleep duration, sleep efficiency, sleep disturbance, daytime functioning) |
Note: X̄ ± SD, mean ± standard deviation. Description of meta-analyses limited to those studies nested within each meta-analysis that met all eligibility criteria for this study. Data presented limited to what was reported or could be calculated from reported data. Number of participants limited to those in which results were calculated. –, data not provided or insufficient data to calculate; HRR, heart rate reserve; MHR, maximum heart rate; PSQI, Pittsburgh Sleep Quality Index; AHI, Apnea-hypopnea Index.
Separate sample sizes not available for exercise and control groups.