Fig. 1.
BIC RNA and miR-155 in cell lines. (A) Total RNAs of different cell lines were analyzed by semiquantitative RT-PCR for BIC RNA and β-actin (as a normalization control) by using the primer pair A/C (Fig. 6) and the primers described in Methods, respectively. PCR products obtained after 30 cycles (BIC) and 24 cycles (β-actin) of reaction were analyzed by gel electrophoresis. BL, Burkitt lymphoma; LBL, EBV-immortalized lymphoblastoid cell line; MM, multiple myeloma; ALL, acute lymphoblastic leukemia; ATLL, adult T cell leukemia/lymphoma (human T cell leukemia virus type-1-positive). (B) Northern blot of total RNA isolated from different cell lines was probed with a [32P]5′ end-labeled oligonucleotide with sequence complementary to the sequence of human miR-155. tRNAs served as a loading control. The 22-nt miR-155 is indicated. The predicted ≈60-nt pre-miR-155 could be detected as a weak band in some samples. (C) Northern analysis of miR-155 in HEK-293T cells and HEK-293T transfected with the vector pcDNA3.BIC expressing BIC exon 3 sequences (see Fig. 6).