Appendix 1.
Name: | |
Date of Birth: | |
Home Phone: | |
Cell Phone: | |
Other Phone: | |
Grandparent phone: | |
E-mail address: | |
City, State: | |
Referred by: | |
Pediatrician: | Phone: |
Physical Therapist: | Phone: |
Physiatrist: | Phone: |
Neurologist: | Phone: |
Is the child able to walk? If so, can the child walk 20 feet or more in a clinic with or without equipment? | |
Can the child stand for one minute without assistance? | |
Does the child use a wheelchair for mobility? NoYes (circle) | |
Today’s Date: | |
What name does child go by? What is the child’s overall condition? (example: cerebral palsy, anoxic brain injury) | |
Reason for seeing Dr. Yngve (example: “tight hamstrings,” “walking on toes”) | |
History of Present Illness (Provide a brief description of the child’s current problem you are seeking medical attention for): | |
Are there any current issues the child is experiencing? | |
Child’s favorite thing (What does he/she like to play with, what interests them?) | |
Birth history (How many weeks was the baby born at? Was there any problem when the baby was in the womb?) | |
Brain history (Does the child have cerebral palsy or some other brain disorder? Was this diagnosed with an MRI?): | |
Any history of Botox injections? (if so, how long have they been getting them and what part of the body was injected?) | |
Does the child have Ankle Foot Orthoses (AFO’s)? If so, who provides the Orthoses? Assistive devices (example walker; crutches; wheelchair; gait trainer?) Physical Therapy (how many times per week?) | |
Language ability (Is the child able to communicate fully with you? Are they able to understand what you say? Are they able to show you when they are in pain?) | |
Pain Questions: Rate your child’s pain in the last week on a scale of 0–10. Where was the pain? Child’s rating? (put n/a if not possible) | |
PODCI Pain questions:29 (For the following questions put today’s date before the correct response) -During the last week how much of the time did your child feel sick and tired? ________ most ________some ________a little ________ none -During the last week how much of the time did pain or discomfort interfere with your child’s activities? ________ most ________some ________a little ________ none -How much pain has your child had during the last week? _______ none _______ very mild _______ mild _______ moderate _______ severe _______ very severe -During the last week how much did pain interfere with your child’s normal activities including at home, outside of the home and at school? ______ not at all ______ a little bit ______ moderately ______ quite a bit ______ extremely |