Figure 6.
The SALL2 P2 promoter is hypermethylated in ovarian carcinomas. (A) H&E illustrating microdissection of a metastatic ovarian carcinoma on the intestinal wall. DNAs were isolated from the tumor (T1) and surrounding normal tissue (N1) and analyzed. (B) Me‐DIP assay shows hypermethylation of P2 in the tumor T1 relative to N1. (C) Percent methylation at 14 CpG sites in the P2 promoter of serous carcinomas (n = 26) and established HOSE cell lines (n = 3) as controls. Inset upper left: H&E sections of a serous carcinoma before and after cores were taken for DNA analysis. DNAs extracted from cores were bisulfite treated and amplified in the P2 promoter region.