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. 2013 Dec 24;8(2):417–430. doi: 10.1016/j.molonc.2013.12.010

Table 1.

Histological classification, age and sex of the analyzed tumor samples.

Grade tumor groups N. Of cases Age (mean yrs) Sex
Grade IV (GBM) 60 41–78 (62.3) 34 26
Training set 30 42–75 (63.3)a 14 16
Testing set 30 41–78 (61.7)a 20 10
Grade III 15 30–74 (50.7) 10 5
Anaplastic ependymomas 2
Anaplastic oligodendrogliomas 7
Anaplastic astrocytomas 3
Anaplastic oligoastrocytomas 3
Grade II gliomas 15 21–74 (42.8) 11 4
Ependymomas 2
Oligodendrogliomas 7
Pleomorphic xanthoastrocytoma 1
Diffuse astrocytoma 1
Neurocytomas 4
Grade I gliomas 15 2–23 (20.8) 6 9
Pilocytic astrocytomas 4
Gangliogliomas 11

M, Male; F, Female.


No statistically significant differences were observed between training and testing set (p= 0.6013, unpaired t‐test).