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. 2014 Apr 15;8(7):1196–1207. doi: 10.1016/j.molonc.2014.04.003

Table 1.

Clinical characteristics of all 4467 samples and the 2990 ER positive samples from the 40 datasets.

Parameter Total OPG low OPG high OR P‐Value
All tumors (n = 4467)
Lymph node status LNN 2040 62.5% 1142 62.1% 898 63.0% 1.0
N+ 1225 37.5% 697 37.9% 528 37.0% n.s.
Age Age >50 1908 61.1% 977 61.8% 931 60.3% 0.9
Age ≤50 1217 38.9% 604 38.2% 613 39.7% n.s.
Tumor size ≤2 cm 358 20.3% 197 20.5% 161 20.1% 1.0
>2 cm 1403 79.7% 763 79.5% 640 79.9% n.s.
Grade G3 1524 49.2% 798 49.0% 726 49.4% 1.0
G1 & G2 1575 50.8% 831 51.0% 744 50.6% n.s.
ER status Positive 2990 66.9% 1756 70.4% 1234 62.5% 0.7
Negative 1477 33.1% 737 29.6% 740 37.5% <0.001
PgR status Positive 2466 55.2% 1234 49.5% 1232 62.4% 1.7
Negative 2001 44.8% 1259 50.5% 742 37.6% <0.001
HER2 status Positive 589 13.2% 318 12.8% 271 13.7% 1.1
Negative 3878 86.8% 2175 87.2% 1703 86.3% n.s.
Molecular subtype (Hugh et al.) HER2 381 8.5% 198 7.9% 183 9.3% 1.2
Luminal A 1442 32.3% 740 29.7% 702 35.6% 1.3
Luminal B 1548 34.7% 1016 40.8% 532 27.0% 0.5
Triple negative 1096 24.5% 539 21.6% 557 28.2% 1.4 <0.001
Systemic treatment Untreated 1108 38.3% 654 36.8% 454 40.6% 1.2
Endocrine only 1182 40.8% 765 43.1% 417 37.3%
Chemotherapy 604 20.9% 357 20.1% 247 22.1% 0.008
Outcome variable RFS 1412 50.9% 740 47.6% 672 55.1% 1.3
DMFS 1361 49.1% 813 52.4% 548 44.9% <0.001
ER positive tumors (n = 2990), only parameters significant among all 4467 samples above
PgR status Positive 2088 69.8% 1080 61.5% 1008 81.7% 2.8
Negative 902 30.2% 676 38.5% 226 18.3% <0.001
Molecular subtype (Hugh et al.) Luminal A 1442 48.2% 740 42.1% 702 59.9% 1.8
Luminal B 1548 51.8% 1016 57.9% 532 43.1% <0.001
Systemic treatment Untreated 750 34.6% 448 32.9% 302 37.4% 1.2
Endocrine only 1102 50.9% 718 52.8% 384 47.6%
Chemotherapy 315 14.5% 194 14.3% 121 15.0% <0.001
Outcome variable RFS 1011 50.1% 548 47.0% 463 54.5% 1.4
DMFS 1006 49.9% 619 53.0% 387 45.5% 0.001