Electroporation-mediated SP-B gene transfer in compound SP-B mice 4 days after gene
transfer and removal of doxycycline. (a) Western blots of SP-B protein expression.
Compound SP-B transgenic mice (n = 5) were either maintained on
doxycycline (+Dox) or were taken off doxycycline and 100 µg of each plasmid in 50 µl
of 10 mM Tris, pH 8/1 mM EDTA/140 mM NaCl were delivered to the lungs by aspiration
and electroporation using eight square wave pulses of 10 ms duration at a field
strength of 200 V/cm as described in Materials and Methods. Four days later, lungs
were removed from animals and a portion of the lungs was used for preparation of
lysates for protein analysis by SDS-PAGE and Western blot using antibodies against
mature SP-B. Blots were also reacted with antibodies against GAPDH to ensure
appropriate loading. (b) Normalized densitometry of Western blot data. Intensities
(mean ± st. dev.) of 18 kdal SP-B reactive bands from A were normalized to GAPDH
expression. a, P < 0.005 compared to all other groups; b,
P < 0.05 compared to No DNA group; c,
P < 0.005 compared to No DNA group; and d,
P < 0.005 compared to pcDNA3, by one-way ANOVA and post
hoc Tukey multiple comparisons test