Pre- diagnosis |
1 |
Phase I (Participant) |
“What is Sleep Apnea” DVD provided by American Sleep Apnea Association (RP, OE, SE)
Identify 2-5 proximate social support resources (F, B)
Identify reasons participant initiated sleep diagnostics (RP, OE, G)
Identify participant goals for diagnosis and treatment (OE, G)
Post- diagnostic PSG†
2 |
Phase II (Participant; 1 social support resource) |
Diagnostic PSG hypnogram and selected epoch by epoch review(RP, OE)
Baseline ESS† review (RP, OE)
Baseline FOSQ† review (RP, OE)
Comorbidity and health risk review (RP, OE)
Social & interpersonal relationship limitation discussion
Review & revise participant goals for diagnosis and treatment
PAP† equipment introduction and practice (SE)
Mask-fitting (SE)
Mask/headgear application demonstration/return demonstration(SE)
Mask/headgear/tubing practice instructions: 5 consecutive days prior to titration PSG (SE)
Post-titration PSG |
3 |
Phase III (Participant) |
Diagnostic PSG hypnogram and selected epoch by epoch comparative review with titration PSG hypnogram and epochs(RP, OE)
Review bedtime routine and incorporation of PAP (F, B, SE)
Discuss participant-identified barriers and facilitators of PAP use and plans to address (F,B, SE)
Review participant risks of untreated OSA (from baseline assessment)(RP, OE)
Review and revise participant goals for treatment (OE, G)
Reassess mask/headgear application; repeat demonstration as needed (SE)
PAP equipment review (SE)
Day 1, Day 2, Day 5 Home CPAP Treatment Phone Follow Up & Day 8 Home Visit |
4 (Day 2) |
Phase IV (Participant; social support resources) |
Phone contact Day 1 (participant only) Discuss questions, concerns, difficulties, & facilitators night 1 PAP experience (F, B)
Phone contact Day 2 (participant only)
Administer SEMSA
Discuss questions, concerns, difficulties, & facilitators night 2 PAP experience (F,B)
Review bedtime routine and incorporation of PAP (F, B, SE)
Discuss participant-identified barriers and facilitators of PAP use and plans to address (F,B, SE)
Review participant risks of untreated OSA (from baseline assessment)(RP, OE)
Review and revise participant goals for treatment (OE, G)
Discuss participant perceived response to PAP (RP, OE, G, SE)
Instructions for discussing participant response to PAP with identified proximate social support resources (F)
Phone Contact Day 5 (participant only)
Discuss questions, concerns, difficulties, & facilitators night 3-5 PAP experience (F,B)
Review bedtime routine and incorporation of PAP (F, B, SE)
Discuss participant-identified barriers and facilitators of PAP use and plans to address (F,B, SE)
Review participant risks of untreated OSA (from baseline assessment)(RP, OE)
Review and revise participant goals for treatment (OE, G)
Discuss participant perceived response to PAP (RP, OE, G, SE)
Discuss participant’s feedback from 2-5 proximate social support resources re: observed response to PAP (F)
Day 8 Research Visit (participant; 1 social support resource if available)
PAP Smartcard download
Review downloaded PAP usage data (OE, G, F, B, SE)
Review and revise participant goals for treatment (OE, G)
Discuss participant perceived response to PAP (RP, OE, G, SE)
Address any concerns, questions, difficulties & facilitators from Night 1-7 (F, B)