Pocket-mediated interactions of HLA-G. HLA-G residues are shown in purple, peptide residues are shown in green, polar contacts are depicted as dashed lines, and water molecules are shown as blue spheres. (A) Pockets A and B mediating interactions with P1-Arg and P2-Ile, respectively. (B) Pockets C and D mediating interactions with P6-His and P2-Pro, respectively. (C) Pockets E and F mediating interactions with P7-Leu and P9-Leu, respectively. (D) Overview of the hydrophobic nature of the HLA-G binding cleft. Hydrophobic regions of the cleft that bind peptide are shown in green with the important anchor residue His-70 colored yellow. The pockets are labeled A–F, and the peptide is depicted as a ball-and-stick structure.