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. 2017 Jun 8;5(1):e000316. doi: 10.1136/bmjdrc-2016-000316

Table 1.

Patient characteristics and HbA1c ranges

Patient characteristics Variable N (% of patients within characteristic group) Tight control: HbA1c<7%, N (% of patients within HbA1c control range) Moderate control: HbA1c 7%–8.5%, N (% of patients within HbA1c control range) Not controlled: HbA1c >8.5%, N (% of patients within HbA1c control range)
 All patients in sample 30 416 16 705 (54.92) 9298 (30.57) 4413 (14.51)
 Age range in years 40–49 2506 (8.24) 1162 (46.37) 687 (27.41) 657 (26.22)
50–59 6253 (20.56) 3123 (49.94) 1833 (29.31) 1297 (20.74)
60–69 9041 (29.72) 4902 (54.22) 2816 (31.15) 1323 (14.63)
70–79 7545 (24.80) 4414 (58.53) 2420 (32.07) 709 (9.04)
80+ 5073 (16.68) 3104 (61.19) 1542 (30.40) 427 (8.42)
 Number of comorbidities* 0–1 6783 (22.30) 3398 (50.10) 2197 (32.39) 1188 (17.51)
2–3 20 578 (67.6) 11 430 (55.55) 6268 (30.46) 2880 (13.99)
4 or more 3055 (10.04) 1877 (61.44) 833 (27.27) 345 (11.29)
 Gender Male 15 942 (52.41) 8532 (53.53) 4945 (31.02) 2463 (15.45)
Female 14 475 (47.59) 8172 (56.46) 4353 (30.07) 1950 (13.47)
Missing 1 (0) - - -
 sBP >130 mm Hg No 15 821 (52.02) 8985 (56.79) 4662 (29.47) 2174 (13.74)
Yes 12 338 (40.56) 6601 (53.51) 3870 (31.36) 1867 (15.13)
Missing 2257 (7.42) 1119 (49.58) 766 (33.94) 372 (16.48)
 LDL in mmol/L <2 14 018 (46.09) 7451 (56.15) 4738 (33.80) 1829 (13.05)
>2 14 190 (46.65) 8194 (57.75) 3877 (27.32) 2119 (14.93)
Missing 2208 (7.26) 1060 (48.01) 683 (30.93) 465 (21.06)
 Urine albumin to creatinine ratio <2 8328 (27.38) 4452 (53.46) 2725 (32.72) 1151 (13.82)
>2 6570 (21.60) 2944 (44.81) 2273 (34.60) 1353 (20.59)
Missing 15 518 (51.02) 9309 (59.99) 4300 (27.71) 1909 (12.30)
 BMI <25 3320 (10.92) 2039 (61.42) 890 (26.81) 391 (11.78)
25–29.9 7564 (24.87) 4426 (58.52) 2270 (30.01) 868 (11.47)
>30 12 632 (41.53) 6699 (53.04) 3924 (31.06) 2009 (15.90)
Missing 6900 (22.69) 3541 (51.32) 2214 (32.09) 1145 (16.59)
 Number of encounters in the past 2 years 1–5 4012 (13.19) 2243 (55.91) 1144 (28.51) 625 (15.58)
6–16 15 199 (49.97) 8603 (56.61) 4577 (30.11) 2019 (13.28)
17 or more 11 205 (36.84) 5859 (52.29) 3577 (31.92) 1769 (15.79)
 Number of classes of medication prescribed 0 (no diabetic medications) 19 353 (63.62) 11 990 (61.95) 5004 (25.86) 2359 (12.19)
1 (1 class of medications) 5991 (19.70) 3295 (55.00) 2070 (34.55) 626 (10.45)
2 (2 classes of medications) 2086 (6.86) 780 (37.39) 912 (43.72) 394 (18.89)
3 (3 classes of medications or insulin) 2986 (9.82) 640 (21.43) 1312 (43.94) 1034 (34.63)

*Includes the CPCSSN validated comorbidities only (hypertension, chronic obstructive pulmonary disease, depression, osteoarthritis, dementia, epilepsy, Parkinson's disease).

BMI, body mass index; HbA1c, hemoglobin A1c; LDL, low density lipoprotein; sBP, systolic blood pressure.