Fig. 2.
Schematic of DHS-based prostate regulatory network. a Identification of active promoters and enhancers: promoters and enhancers active in prostate tissue were identified by intersecting DHS from prostate epithelial cells with tissue-agnostic promoters and enhancers identified using functional annotations from ENCODE, REMC, and GENCODE. b Predict TF binding sites: binding sites of 617 TFs in active prostate promoters and enhancers were identified using 2065 motifs and PIQ. c Prostate Regulatory Network: the prostate regulatory network contains 17,087 genes (including 612 TFs), 15,542 promoters, 74,440 enhancers, and 1,209,599 unique directed TF–target gene interactions. For the purpose of presentation, we have limited the number of network edges. DHS DNase I hypersensitive sites, PIQ Protein Interaction Quantification, REMC Roadmap Epigenomics Mapping Consortium, TF transcription factor