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. Author manuscript; available in PMC: 2018 Jul 13.
Published in final edited form as: Neurosci Lett. 2017 May 18;653:84–91. doi: 10.1016/j.neulet.2017.05.006

Table 1.

Activation evoked by brushing on the palm and back of the left hand. Regions responding to brush > rest in both scans. Peak defined as the voxel in the cluster with the highest Z score. Clusters are displayed above a statistical threshold of Z > 3, whole-brain corrected for multiple comparisons (p < 0.01; N = 17). x, y and z MNI coordinates correspond to the left–right, anterior–posterior and inferior–superior axes, respectively.

Location of cluster peaks Peak MNI Coordinates (x, y, z) Peak Z score # of voxels Cluster p value
R secondary somatosensory cortex (parietal operculum) and posterior insula 44 −26 20 5.09 1087 p < 0.00001
L angular gyrus and lateral occipital cortex −48 −52 52 4.33 536 p < 0.00001
L Cerebellum −26 −50 −24 4.34 299 p = 0.00003
L Cerebellum −44 −66 −42 3.96 227 p = 0.0003
L Cerebellum −22 −58 −50 4.71 169 p = 0.003
L secondary somatosensory cortex (central opercular cortex and parietal operculum) −58 −22 16 4.60 162 p = 0.003
R lateral occipital cortex 42 −62 52 3.82 149 p = 0.005
R primary somatosensory cortex 26 −36 70 4.00 144 p = 0.007
R central opercular cortex 44 −6 8 4.07 137 p = 0.009