Fig. S2.
Timing of mitosis and cytokinesis in live Giardia. (A) A representative division event as captured with 4D DIC time-lapse microscopy. Mitosis starts at 00:00, signified by rearrangement of anterior flagella exit points (white arrows). Blue numbers correspond to magnified views. At 07:49, daughter cell ventral discs are nearly fully formed, marked by dashed ellipses. The path of the cleavage furrow was predicted by the position of the internal axonemes of the caudal flagella (cf; dashed lines). At 07:54, the cleavage furrow began to ingress between the two daughter discs and between the intracytoplasmic axonemes of the caudal flagella. White dimension line denotes path and distance to scission. Cytokinesis was completed by 8:54 (time in min:s). (Scale bar: 5 μm.) (B) Histogram describes the time cells (n = 93) spent in mitosis (median, 6 min 28 s ± 52 s). Dataset collected from more than three independent movies. (C) Histogram describes time cells (n = 130) spent in cytokinesis, median time 50 s, “∞ indicates cells did not complete cytokinesis during the recording (imaged at least 15 min). Note that 89% of cells completed cytokinesis within 2 min. (D) Cleavage furrow measurements for individual cells with smoothed LOESS trajectories. (E) Bootstrapped LOESS curves within the 95% CI.