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. 2016 Aug 30;2:16. doi: 10.1186/s40794-016-0033-x

Table 1.

Background, Mosquito nets utilization and traditional practices of participants among households in BennaTsemay district, Southern Ethiopia, 2012

Characteristics Frequency %
Family Education (n = 461)
 Primary school attendance 47 10.2
 No school attendance 414 89.8
Family marriage type (n = 461)
 Polygamous 248 53.8
 Not polygamous 213 46.2
Family’s housing type (n = 461)
 thatched roof with wall 303 65.7
 thatched roof without wall 158 34.3
HHs status (n = 461)
 Model HH (trained for Health Extension Package) 271 60.5
 Non model HH 190 39.5
Distance of HHs from Mosquito breeding site (n = 461)
 Within three kilometres 208 45.1
 Greater than three kilometres 253 54.9
Family Technological access (mobile phone, Radio) (n = 461)
 Yes 246 53.4
Type of MN (observed) (n = 164)
 LLITN (Permanet) 152 92.7
 Other (Olyset, Safenite) 12 7.3
Participants’ MN condition (n = 461)
 Safe MN (not torn) 152 33
 Unsafe MN (torn) 267 57.9
 No MN possessed 42 9.1
MNs over sleeping areas (hanged) (n = 419)
 Yes 196 46.8
MNs used for other purposes (n-419)
 Yes 169 40.3
Saving MN for later use (n = 419)
 Yes 146 34.8
MN owned in use (n = 461)
 All the time 279 60.5
 Some times 182 39.5
Slept Under MN last night following survey day (419)
 Yes 165 39.4
Boronge’ practice (n = 461)
 Yes 291 63.1
Ara’ practice (n = 461)
 Yes 293 63.6
Dugo’ house use(n = 461)
 Yes 278 60.3
In the past 1 month, performed at least one traditional Practices (n = 461)
 Yes 307 66.6

Footnote: MN mosquito net, LLITN long lasting insecticide treated net, HH household