FIGURE 4. Rate regression fit for fraction that leave the nest to forage as a function of interaction rate.
Results are shown for each observation of a colony. Red points show interaction rates of ants that left the nest to forage, and blue points show interaction rates of ants that returned to the deeper nest. The bins for Pforage are determined by sorting the nonzero interaction rates, forming bins with a fixed number of points per bin (5 points per bin was used), and calculating the fraction of points in each bin that represent ants that left the nest to forage. A separate bin was used for ants with zero interactions; this bin is shown as the separate line at zero. The solid line is a fit of the rate regression model (Equation 1). The fit standard deviation for this model was estimated using bootstrapping; the shaded area around the best fit indicates the standard deviation of the fits for Pforage for each value of the rate of interaction.