Figure 2.
Dysbiosis in patients with IBD. (A) Microbiome clustering based on unweighted (left) and weighted (right) Principal Coordinate Analysis-UniFrac metrics. Significant differences were observed between all controls (All-HC, combining HC, healthy relatives HR(CD) and HR(UC)) and patients with CD (NPMANOVA test; p=0.001 for weighted and unweighted UniFrac indexes) and between all controls and patients with UC (NPMANOVA test, p=0.001 for unweighted and p=0.004 for weighted UniFrac). Microbial richness was calculated based on the Chao1 index (B, left) and microbial richness and evenness on the Shannon index (B, right). Using the Student's t-test, the microbiome of patients with CD presented significantly lower richness and evenness than healthy controls (HC, HR(CD), and HR(UC)) and patients with UC, but patients in remission and in recurrence (CD-RC and UC-RC) did not present significant differences. *p<0.05. (C) Taxonomic differences were detected between HC and UC and between HC and CD using Kruskal-Wallis test (corrected p values; false discovery rate <0.01). CD, Crohn's disease; NPMANOVA, non-parametric multivariate analysis of variance.