Numerical simulations of the decay of 1H magnetization (Hx) in the presence of a spinlock RF field of variable amplitude and stochastic jumps between two states. Shown are the decay rate constants that were obtained from fitting the decay of Hx over the simulated time period (see Methods section for details). In each of the three cases (a-c) the top panel shows that absolute decay rate constant, assuming that the only mechanism present is either the 1H-15N dipolar coupling, the 1H-1H dipolar coupling or the 1H CSA tensor, as indicated by different colors. The lower panel shows the relative contributions of these three mechanisms to the total decay rate constant. Note that in each simulation only one relaxation mechanism was present, and that possible cross-correlated relaxation effects are therefore absent. The three panels differ by the assumed exchange rate constant, which was (a) 25·105 s-1, (b) 1·106 s-1 and (c) 1·107 s-1. The motional model is an exchange between the two states depicted in (d); here, the remote proton is at a fixed position, and the NH bond jumps by an angle θ.