Effect of CCR2 inhibitor on the frequency of (A) total monocytes and (B) Ly6Chi and Ly6Clo monocyte subsets in the blood of recipient mice (vehicle, n = 2, and CCR2 inhibitor, n = 3). (C–E) Quantification of (C) lesion area, (D) the macrophage marker CD68, and (E) MR and MCP-1 staining in aortic arch plaques from Apoe–/– mice on 16-week WD (BL; n = 6) or 3 days after transplant into WT mice (regression environment) that were untreated (n = 6) or treated with vehicle (n = 5) or a CCR2 inhibitor (n = 6). For C and D: **P < 0.001 compared with BL using 1-way ANOVA with Dunnett’s multiple comparisons testing. For E, ***P < 0.0001, CCR2 inhibitor group compared with vehicle group using unpaired t testing.