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. 2017 Jul 27;12(7):e0179928. doi: 10.1371/journal.pone.0179928

Table 1. Compilation of published studies on thermal limits of marine and freshwater larvae.

Order & Family Species Common Name Larval Habitat Larval Age / Size Method Rearing T (°C) Thermal limit Study
Factor (LT or CT) Ind. / Groups Time (h) Change Rate (°C h-1) End-point Lower Upper
Ord. Acipenseriformes
Fam. Acipenseridae
Scaphirhynchus albus Pallid sturgeon FW 6–10 mm TL LT (S) G 0.1 - D + LOE 22 - 32.0 [15]
Ord. Atheriniformes
Fam. Atherinidae
Leurestes sardina Gulf grunion SW 0–30 dph LT (S) G 0.5–72.0 - D 20–30 7.0–8.0 31.0–36.0 [16]
Leurestes tenuis Californian grunion SW 0–30 dph LT (S) G 0.5–72.0 - D 20–30 3.0–8.0 32.0–40.0 [16]
Ord. Beloniformes
Fam. Adrianichthyidae
Oryzias melastigma Marine medaka SW 5 mm CT (D) I 168.0 18 LOE 12–32 6.3–12.3 39.9–42.8 [17]
Ord. Clupeiformes
Fam. Clupeidae
Alosa pseudoharengus Alewife FW 1 dph LT (S) G 24.0 abrupt D 14–15 - 31.0 [18]
Brevoortia tyrannus Atlantic menhaden SW - LT (S) G > 12.0 - D 7–15 1.5–4.0 - [19]
Clupea harengus Atlantic herring SW YS LT (S) G 24.0 - D 7, 13 20.5–23.5 [20]
SW - LT (S) G 0.1–1.0 - D 8 - 25.0–31.0 [21]
SW 6–8 mm LT (S) G 24.0 - D 7–15 -2.0–-0.35 22.0–23.5 [22]
Fam. Engraulidae
Engraulis australis Australian anchovy SW E to YS LT (S) G 0.5–24.0 15 D 25–27 - 35.1 [23]
Ord. Cypriniformes
Fam. Catostomidae
Catostomus commersonii White sucker FW YS LT (S) G 24.0–168.0 - D 9–21 3.0–6.1 28.0–32.0 [24]
Chasmistes brevirostris Shortnose sucker FW 35 dph LT (S) G 96.0 - D 20 - 31.7–32.0 [25]
Chasmistes liorus June sucker FW 7 dph LT + ILT (S) G 0.1–720.0 abrupt D 16 - 21.0–33.0 [26]
Deltistes luxatus Lost River sucker FW 35 dph LT (S) G 96.0 - D 20 - 31.5–32.0 [25]
Fam. Cyprinidae
Agosia chrysogaster Longfin dace FW 22 dph CT (D) I - 42 LOE 18–30 - 33.5–39.7 [27]
Labeo rohita Rohu carp FW CT (D) I - 18 LOE 26–36 12.0–14.4 42.3–45.6 [28]
Pimephales promelas Fathead minnow FW 3 dph CT (D) G - 18 LOE 22–23 3.4–9.9 31.4–35.9 [29]
Ord. Cyprinodontiformes
Fam. Cyprinodontidae
Cyprinodon nevadensis Amargosa pupfish FW 60 dph CT (D) G - 18 LOE 20–36 - 38.0–44.0 [30]
Fam. Fundulidae
Fundulus grandis Gulf killifish SW <9 mm SL CT (D) I - 18 LOE 29 - 42.6–43.6 [31]
Fundulus heteroclitus Mummichog SW <9 mm SL CT (D) I - 18 LOE 29 - 42.8–44.5 [31]
Ord. Esociformes
Fam. Esocidae
Esox lucius Northern pike FW YS LT (S) G 24.0–168.0 abrupt change D 6–18 - 20.4–28.9 [32]
FW YS LT (S) - 240.0 3 D 3–24 4.2 > 25.0 [33]
Esox masquinongy Muskellunge FW 1–53 dph CT (D) G 1272.0 60 S 17–23 - 29.0–35.0 [34]
Ord. Gadiformes
Fam. Gadidae
Gadus morhua Atlantic cod SW E to YS LT (S) G 24.0–600.0 - D 6 - >12 [35]
Ord. Mugiliformes
Fam. Mugilidae
Mugil cephalus Hawaiian striped mullet SW YS LT (S) G 168.0 2 3–33 14.2a 30.1 [36]
Ord. Osmeriformes
Fam. Osmeridae
Hypomesus transpacificus Delta smelt FW 30–64 dph CT (D) I - 18 LOE 16 - 29.0–30.0 [37]
Mallotus villosus Capelin SW 2–4 dph LT (S) G 24.0 (+ 0.3) - D 5 -2.0–-3.0 > 20.0 [38]
Osmerus mordax Rainbow smelt FW - LT (S) G 0.1–1.0 - D 13 - 29.0–32.0 [21]
Ord. Perciformes
Fam. Carangidae
Atule mate Yellowtail scad SW 0–6 dph LT + ILT (S) G 0.5–72.0 - D 24 - 26.0–37.0 [39]
Fam. Centrarchidae
Micropterus salmoides Largemouth bass FW 0–12 dph LT (S) G 24.0 - D 20–30 - 31.2–33.7 [40]
FW YS, FL LT (S) G 1.0–96.0 0–5 D 18–38 - 32.8–34.1 [41]
Fam. Cichlidae
Oreochromis mossambicus Mozambique tilapia FW E to YS LT (S) G 240.0 - D 11–40 20.0 > 34.0 [42]
Oreochromis niloticus Nile tilapia FW YS LT (S) G YS to swim-up larvae - D 11–40 21.8 32.1 [43]
FW 13–32 mm TL CT (D) - 24.0–60.0 0.04 D 25–37 - 38.0–39.0 [44]
Fam. Moronidae
Morone chrysops White bass FW 1 dph LT (S) G 24.0 - D 14–26 - 30.8–32.0 [45]
Morone saxatilis Striped bass FW 3–14 mm TL LT (S) G 24.0 abrupt D 15–23 - 31.7–36.7 [46]
Fam. Percidae
Etheostoma fonticola Fountain darter FW 24–72 hph LT (S) G 24.0 - D 23 3.8 - [47]
Perca flavescens Yellow perch FW E to YS LT (S) - YS to swim-up larvae - D 12 9.3–9.8 18.8–22.5 [48]
FW YS LT (S) - 24.0 - D 18 3.0 28.0 [49]
Sander lucioperca Pikeperch FW 4–6 mm LT (S) D 6.0–6.5 30.0–32.0 [50] in [49]
Fam. Sciaenidae
Bairdiella icistia Bairdiella SW 2 mm LT (S) G 1.0–72.0 abrupt D 21–30 - 29.0–36.0 [51]
Fam. Scombridae
Thunnus albacares Yellowfin tunna SW YS LT + ILT (S) G E to YS 0.04 M + D 19–36 19.5 35.2 [52]
Fam. Sparidae
Pagrus major Red sea bream SW 0–42 dph LT (S) - 24.0 - D 20 9.5–12.0 26.5–30.5 [53]
Sparus aurata Gilt-head bream SW 12 dph CT (D) G - 1 SWI 18 - 22.0–30.0 [54]
Ord. Petromyzontiformes
Fam. Petromyzontidae
Ichthyomyzon fossor Northern brook lamprey FW AMM LT (S) - 336.0 - D 15 - 30.5 [55]
Lampetra lamottenii Brook lamprey FW AMM LT (S) - 336.0 - D 15 - 28.5 [55]
Lampetra planeri European brook lamprey FW AMM LT (S) - 336.0 - D 5–25 - 27.0–29.0 [55]
Petromyzon marinus Sea lamprey FW AMM LT (S) - 336.0 - D 5–25 - 29.5–31.0 [55]
Ord. Pleuronectiformes
Fam. Pleuronectidae
Pleuronectes putnami Smooth flounder SW - LT (S) G 0.1–1.0 - D 4 - 27.0–32.0 [21]
Pseudopleuronectes americanus Winter flounder SW 5 dph LT (S) G 0.1–1.0 (+ 24.0) - D 5 - 29.0–33.0 [56]
Fam. Scophthalmidae
Scophthalmus maximus Turbot SW 0–25 dph LT (S) G 2.0 (+ 60.0–84.0) - D 17 - 22.0–29.0 [57]
Fam. Soleidae
Solea solea Dover sole SW 1–12 mg WW LT (S) G 96.0 - D 8–15 5.0–8.7 23.0–28.1 [58]
Ord. Salmoniformes
Fam. Salmonidae
Coregonus artedi Cisco FW - LT (S) G 24.0 - D 3 - 19.8 [59]
Oncorhynchus clarkii virginalis Cutthroat trout FW 7–14 dph LT + ILT (S) G 720.0–1440.0 0.04 D 10–26 - 22.6–25.7 [60]
Oncorhynchus gilae apache Apache trout FW E to YS LT (S) G 336.0 0.25 D 15–27 - 17.1–17.9 [61]
Oncorhynchus kisutch Coho salmon FW E to YS LT (S) G > 1400.0 - D 1–17 - 12.5 [62]
Prosopium williamsoni
Mountain whitefish
FW 30–300 mg WW LT + ILT (S) I 0.1–792.0 0.04 D 10 - 22.6–23.6 [63]
FW 870–3700 mg WW CT (D) I - 30 LOE 13 - 26.7 [63]
Salmo salar Atlantic salmon FW - LT (S) G 120.0–168.0 1 D 5–6 - 22.0–28.0 [64]
Salmo trutta fario Brown trout FW - LT (S) G 120.0–168.0 1 D 5–6 - 23.0–28.0 [64]
Salmo trutta trutta Sea trout FW - LT (S) G 120.0–168.0 1 D 5–6 - 22.0–28.0 [64]
Salvelinus alpinus Arctic charr FW 13–15 mm LT + ILT (S) G 72.0 (+ 0.2–168.0) 2 D 0–20 - 19.3–26.2 [65]
Ord. Scorpaeniformes
Fam. Sebastidae
Sebastes thompsoni Rockfish SW - LT (S) - 24.0 - D 10–25 25.6–28.8 [66]
Ord. Siluriformes
Fam. Clariidae
Clarias gariepinus African sharp-tooth catfish FW E to YS LT (S) G >193.0 - D 17–36 18.9 33.2 [67]

Abbreviations: FW, freshwater; SW, seawater; LT, lethal temperature; ILT, incipient lethal temperature; CT, critical temperature; S, static method; D, dynamic method; dph, days post-hatch; E, eggs; YS, yolk sac larvae; FL, feeding larvae; AMM, ammocoetes; TL, total length; SL, standard length; WW, wet weight; I, individuals; G, groups; D, death; LOE, loss of equilibrium; S, onset of spasms; M, malformations; SWI, swimming ceases.