Figure 7. Activity of cholinergic neurons.
(A–B) GCaMP6s signal revealing cell morphologies of the active MC (anterior view) (A) and Loop (ventral/posterior view) (B) neurons in 2 days-post-fertilisation larvae. (C) Correlation (Pearson’s r) map of neuronal activity of the MC, vMNsync and vMNasync neurons. Correlation values were calculated relative to the prototroch. (D) Correlation of GCaMP signals of cholinergic neurons with GCaMP signals measured from the prototroch ciliary band (CB). Data points represent measurements from different larvae, n > 12 larvae. Mean and standard deviation are shown. All sample medians are different from 0 with p-values≤0.0034 as determined by Wilcoxon Signed Rank Test. (E–F) Effect of MC neuron ablation on prototroch activity and ciliary closures. Red bar represents the time of the ablation. GCaMP signals in the MC neuron, in a vMNsync neuron, and in the prototroch before (E) and after (F) MC neuron ablation. (G) Number of ciliary arrests in the prototroch before and after MC neuron ablation. (H) Calcium signals measured from the MC neuron and the prototroch following the addition of 50 µM alpha-bungarotoxin. Abbreviation: prn, prototroch ring nerve.