Figure 2.
Power spectrum. (A) Power spectrum density (PSD) maps of Delta and Alpha EEG frequency band. Figure shows the Cortico-subcortical stroke patients (CS) scalp distribution on the left and the Subcortical stroke patients (S) scalp distribution on the right. To represent the average map of each group all stroke lesions were considered as affecting the right hemisphere. (B) Power spectral density box-plot of Delta and Alpha bands, Median and Interquartile Range (IQR) of power of unaffected hemisphere (UH) and affected hemisphere (AH) for Cortico-subcortical lesion (CS) and Subcortical lesion (S). (C) PSD box-plot of Delta and Alpha EEG frequency band, Median and IQR of power of Frontal Area, Central Area and Posterior Area for Cortico-subcortical lesion (CS) and Subcortical lesion (S). *p < 0.05.