Figure 4.
Pharmacological inhibition of inositol hexakisphosphate kinase 1 (IP6K1) preserves mesenchymal stem/stromal cell (MSC) integrity and inhibits high fat diet (HFD)‐induced adipogenesis and bone loss in adult bone marrow. (A): Total yield of immunodepleted MSCs from the bone marrow of mice fed a HFD for 2 months and treated with vehicle or N2‐(m‐trifluorobenzyl), N6‐(p‐nitrobenzyl)purine (10 mg/kg IP, n = 7 mice). Data represent mean ± SD (n = 3). (B): CFU‐F frequency measured in whole bone marrow from mice in (A). Data represent mean ± SD (n = 5). (C): Total area occupied by CFU‐Fs from (B). (D): Representative histological sections of long bones stained with H&E from mice in (A). Pink stained areas represent bone. Arrows demark lipid vacuoles. Magnification is ×50. Scale bar = 180 µm. (E): Total area of bone determined by morphometric analysis of tissue sections (two sections per mouse, n = 6 mice per group) from mice in (A). Data represent mean ± SD (n = 10–11). Student's t test (**, p < .01; ***, p < .001). Abbreviations: CFU, colony forming unit; F, fibroblast; MSC, mesenchymal stem/stromal cell; TNP, N2‐(m‐Trifluorobenzyl), N6‐(p‐nitrobenzyl)purine.