1611 |
Francisco Drago in Mexico “removed pterygia [extirpar carnosidades]”4
1761 |
“Doctor Hugh Tomb . . . lately arrived from Ireland . . . was educated at the university of Edenburgh, and has practised in Physick, Surgery & Midwifry, for three years in Ireland . . . he engages to cure . . . filtrims on the eyes, commonly call’d Pearls . . .” Philadelphia82
1771 |
James Graham: A woman from Bound Brook, New Jersey described Graham “curing my son of a film over his right eye, occasioned by the small-pox, so that he has now recovered his sight perfectly”83
1773 |
Francis Mercier. “. . . undertakes to cure . . . Purls, Redness . . .”84
1774 |
Anthony Yeldall: “An Eye Powder . . . for taking off specks, films, webs, &c. (if not mixt with the horny or outward coat) of the eye”85
1776 |
Frederick William Jericho: “Remedy for the Gravel, . . . Films, Spots, Weakness of the Eyes”86
1778 |
Frederick Carle Pflag (Friedrich Carl Pflug) Philadelphia, New York87,88
1791 |
Peter Degravers: Jamaica89
1793 |
Mason Fitch Cogswell: Hartford. One Miss Williams of Brooklyn, New York requested “the removal of a film or an opaque tumor from the eyes”90
1799 |
“Dr. G. W. Adlersterren, from Lancaster, Formerly Surgeon in the Hospitals of the Emperor of Germany . . . He undertakes to cure . . . Film over the Eye . . . He practices Surgery and Midwifery.” Alexandria, Virginia91
William Baynham: Essex, Virginia. “I had operated on your Servant Tom’s Eyes . . . The tumor in the left Eye is . . . incurable; and a growing film in the right threatens to overspread the transparent Cornea”92
1801 |
Charles F Bartlett, Newport93: “. . . an experienced operator in the eyes, by removing blindness occasioned by cataracts, films, &c”94