Figure 6.
The active site of MdcD–MdcE. a Simulated-annealing omit F o−F c electron density map at 3.0 Å resolution for CoA in the active site of MdcD–MdcE, contoured at 3σ. b Residues in the active site of MdcD–MdcE. Interactions between CoA (gray) and MdcD–MdcE are shown. Hydrogen-bonding interactions are indicated with dashed lines (red). The possible binding site for the malonyl group is indicated with the red arrow. c MdcD–MdcE demonstrates cooperative behavior towards malonyl-CoA. The initial velocity data are fitted to the Hill equation to obtain the kinetic parameters (blue curve). The Michael–Menten equation does not produce as good a fit to the data (red curve). Data from one representative set of experiments are shown