Fig. 5.
Stalled ribosomes in a rotated state conformation are targets for RQC. a The anisomycin sensitivity of rqt and uS10-K6/8R mutants. b Ribosome short footprints were accumulated at CGA-CGA codons. The short footprints and long footprints from the ribosome profiling data set were mapped on the reporter gene (GFP-R12-FLAG-HIS3). The reads were plotted at approximate position of ribosome A-site. c Translation of HIS3 downstream of R(CGN)12 arrest-sequence was increased in the rqt and uS10-K6/8R mutants. d Codon specificity of poly-arginine sequence to induce translation arrest and RQC. e Specificity of di-codons for accumulation of short and long footprints. f GFP-X-FLAG-HIS3 reporter assay of Top 10 di-codons in the accumulation of short footprints. g GFP-X-FLAG-HIS3 reporter assay of top 4 di-codons in the accumulation of long footprints