Figure 3.
Pdxdc1 mRNA and protein expression in mouse brain. (a) Sample immunohistochemical (IHC) and in situ hybridization (ISH) images for Pdxdc1 protein and mRNA, respectively, from adult male mice using a visible light microscope. (b) Pdxdc1 mRNA expression in PPI-associated brain regions measured with ISH (n=7 mice) and (c) Pdxdc1 protein expression measured with IHC, in naïve male C567BL/6J mice (n=6) at 12 weeks of age. DAB (IHC): mean=0.151±0.003 (s.e.m.), 2xs.e.m. (+)=0.157 (−)=0.144. ISH: mean=53.5±1.37 (s.e.m.), 2xs.e.m. (+)=56.2 (−)=50.7. Thick dotted lines indicate whole brain averages. Thin dotted lines (+2s.e.m., −2s.e.m.) represent the whole brain confidence interval (at 2xs.e.m.) for the mean. (d) PPI regions linear regression for DAB and ISH: r2=0.609, SE of the estimate of residuals=0.032. 95% confidence interval (CI): Slope 0.00099 to 0.00183. Correlation analysis Spearman’s rho=0.706, 95% CI: 0.465 to 0.849, two-tailed P<0.0001 (32 x,y pairs). (e) Linear regression for all sampled regions. r2=0.5765, 95% CI: 0.0486 to 0.0836 (105 x,y pairs). Correlation analysis: Spearman’s rho=0.7003, 95% CI: 0.584 to 0.789, two-tailed P<0.0001. Aud Ctx, 1° & 2° auditory ctx; BLP, basolateral amygdala; posterior; BLA.p, basolateral amygdale; anterior; CA1, field CA1 of hippocampus; CA2, field CA2 of hippocampus; CA3, field CA3 of hippocampus; CIC, central nucleus; inferior colliculus; Cing ctx mid, 1° & 2° cingulate ctx areas; Cing PFC, cingulate ctx area1; CPu, caudate putamen; DG, dentate gyrus; DRN, dorsal raphe nucleus; FrA Ctx, frontal association ctx; GP, globus pallidus; LVO ctx, lateral/ventral orbital ctx; MO Ctx, medial orbital ctx; MS, medial septal nucleus; MDL/C/M, mediodorsal thalamic nuclei; NAcC, nucleus accumbens core; NAcS, nucleus accumbens shell; P/MnR, paramedian and medial raphe nuclei; Pn, pontine nucleus; PnC, caudal pontine reticular nucleus; PPI, prepulse inhibition; PTg, pedunculotegmental nucleus; SNC, substantia nigra pars compacta; SNR, substantia nigra pars reticulata; Sp5O, spinal trigeminal tract; Sup Coll, superior colliculus; VCA, anterior ventral cochlear nucleus; Ve muc, vestibular nucleus; VP, ventral pallidum.