Figure 3.
Levels of proBDNF, mature BDNF and BDNF pro-peptide in human liver and spleen from control, MDD, SZ and BD groups. Western blot analysis was performed on proBDNF, mature BDNF, BDNF pro-peptide and β-actin on the livers of control (n=15), MDD (n=15), SZ (n=15) and BD (n=15) groups. Western blot analysis of proBDNF, mature BDNF, BDNF pro-peptide and β-actin on the spleens of control (n=15), MDD (n=14), SZ (n=12) and BD (n=15) groups was also performed. The data are expressed as a percentage of control group values. The data are shown as mean±s.d. *P<0.05, **P<0.01 compared with the control group. BD, bipolar disorder; BDNF, brain-derived neurotrophic factor; MDD, major depressive disorder; SZ, schizophrenia.