Table 3. Correlational analyses.
Contrast estimates GMV right temporal pole
(adjusted for age, education, verbal IQ, site and nonsexual offenses) |
P−CSO | P+CSO | HC | Entire sample | |
SES | −0.075 (N=59) | 0.017 (N=53) | −0.126 (N=98) | −0.029 (N=210) |
SIS-1 | −0.087 (N=59) | −0.281* (N=53) | −0.256* (N=98) | −0.152* (N=210) |
SIS-2 | 0.244 (*) (N=59) | −0.115 (N=59) | −0.071 (N=98) | 0.016 (N=210) |
SPF-IRI_PT | 0.078 (N=58) | 0.038 (N=52) | −0.070 (N=98) | −0.018 (N=208) |
SPF-IRI_EC | 0.239 (*) (N=58) | −0.048 (N=52) | −0.064 (N=98) | 0.010 (N=208) |
2D:4D ratio | 0.148 (N=46) | −0.220 (N=44) | 0.164 (N=95) | 0.128 (N=189) |
VRT index for pedophilia | 0.017 (N=59) | −0.088 (N=58) | −0.202* (N=100) | −0.114 (*) (N=217) |
Abbreviations: 2D:4D ratio, second-to-fourth digit ratio; GMV, gray matter volume; HC, healthy controls; IQ, intelligence quotient; P+CSO, pedophiles with a history of child sexual offending; P−CSO, pedophiles without a history of child sexual offending; SES, sexual excitation proneness; SIS-1, sexual inhibition due to threat of performance failure; SIS-2, sexual inhibition proneness due to negative consequences; SPF-IRI, Saarbrücker Persönlichkeitsfragen based on the interpersonal reactivity index scores on perspective taking (PT) and empathic concern (EC); VRT index, viewing reaction time index.
Pearson’s correlation coefficients. *P<0.05; (*)P<0.10.