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. 2017 Jul 31;5:166. doi: 10.3389/fped.2017.00166

Table 1.

Studies that investigated atopic sensitization as a risk factor for the development of asthma in childhood.

No. Reference Study population Indicator of atopic sensitization Age of asthma diagnosis Measured associations
1 Alduraywish et al. (30) Two independent birth cohorts (1) the high risk MACS cohort and (2) the population-based LISAplus cohort (1) MACS cohort: SPTs to food and inhalant allergens at 6, 12, and 24 months

(2) LISApluscohort: sIgE to food and inhalant allergens at 2 years
10–12 years The strongest effect on asthma risk was found in both cohorts, in subjects with co-sensitization to food allergens and aeroallergens
2 Boersma et al. (31) 166 children who visited a hospital with wheezing at the age 12–48 months sIgE antibodies to inhalants allergens at the age of 12–48 months At least 6 years Sensitization to inhalant allergens has a positive predictive value of 86% for asthma. It remained a strong predictor for asthma even in multivariate analysis model
3 Anderson et al. (32) Birth cohort, 289 newborns at high risk for asthma sIgE antibodies to inhalant allergens at the age of 2, 6, and 11 years 6 and 11 years Sensitization to aeroallergen at 2 years triples the risk of asthma at 6 years and at 11 years
4 Gabet et al. (33) Birth cohort, 3,860 full term healthy singletons sIgE antibodies to food and inhalant allergens at the age of 18 months 6 years Current symptoms of asthma were significantly more frequent in children who were mono- or pauci-sensitized or multi-sensitized
5 Amin et al. (34) Birth cohort, 762 newborns with a parent with a positive SPT to at least 1/15 aeroallergen, living either <400 m or >1,500 m from a major road SPTs to aeroallergens, cow’s milk and hen’s egg at the age of 1, 2, 3, 4, and 7 years 7 years Sensitization to >1 aeroallergen at 12 months of age or at 3 years was more frequent among children with asthma at 7 years. The same was true for sensitization to egg, but not for sensitization to cow’s milk
6 Rø et al. (35) Subpopulation of a birth cohort, 668 children evaluated at 2 years of age from the PACT study birth cohort sIgE antibodies and SPT to nine allergens at 2 years of age 6 years Positive sIgE was associated with a significantly increased risk for asthma at the age of 6 years in the unadjusted for confounders model
7 van der Mark et al. (36) A cohort of 771 children, aged 1–5 years, who visited primary care clinics during the preceding 12 months with complaints of recurrent coughing, wheezing, and/or shortness of breath sIgE antibodies to dog, cat, HDM 6 years Positive sIgE doubled the risk for asthma diagnosis at the age of 6 years
8 Stoltz et al. (37) Birth cohort, 289 newborns at high risk for asthma and allergic disease development sIgE antibodies to aeroallergens at the age of 1, 3, 6, and 9 years 6 and 8 years At the age of 1 year, only sensitization to dog and to cat was significantly associated with asthma risk. At the age of 3 years, sensitization to any perennial allergen was associated with asthma risk
9 Llanora et al. (38) Cohort study, 78 preschool children 2–5 years with at least one wheezing episode SPTs to HDM 8–14 years Children with positive SPT had a twofold higher risk for persistent wheezing at the age 8–14 years
10 Amat et al. (39) 541 infants under 36 months of age who had a history of at least three wheezing episodes sIgE antibodies to food and inhalant allergens 13 years Allergen polysensitization (irrespective of the type of allergen), sensitization to multiple aeroallergens and to multiple food allergens were all associated with persistent active asthma
11 Lodge et al. (40) Birth cohort, 620 infants with a family history of asthma/eczema/allergic rhinitis/severe food allergy SPTs to food allergens and aeroallergens at the age of 6, 12, and 24 months 12 years Sensitization to HDM at the age of 12 and 24 months increased the odds for asthma at 12 years
12 Vial Dupuy et al. (41) 200 children who visited a pediatric pulmonology clinic with recurrent wheezing as infants (<2 years) sIgE antibodies to food allergens and inhalant allergens 6 years Polysensitization increased the odds for persistent asthma at 6 years of age
13 Caudri et al. (42) Subpopulation of the PIAMA birth cohort, 848 children who were invited at the age of 3–4 years. For evaluation, they had at least one respiratory symptom suggestive of asthma sIgE antibodies to inhalant allergens 5–8 years A positive sIgE to any airborne allergen increased the odds for wheezing at the age of 8 years
14 Lødrup Carlsen et al. (43) Nested case–control study, 265 children, 2 years old with recurrent (>2 episodes) or persistent (>4 weeks duration) doctor confirmed bronchial obstruction, and 251 controls without bronchial obstruction sIgE antibodies to food and inhalant allergens 10 years The probability of current asthma at 10 years of age increased with increasing levels of sIgE antibodies to a mix of allergens measured at 2 years of age. This finding was significant only for boys
15 Simpson et al. (44) A population-based birth cohort (Manchester Asthma and Allergy Study), 1,186 participants who were recruited at birth and followed at ages 1, 3, 5, and 8 years sIgE antibodies and SPTs to food and inhalant allergens 8 years Multiple early atopic sensitization was strongly associated with current wheeze at the age of 8 years. This type of sensitization predicts not only the presence but also the persistence of asthma
16 Marenholz et al. (45) 1,314 children of German MAS birth cohort sIgE antibodies to food allergens 7, and/or 10, and/or 13 years Food sensitization increased the odds for asthma
17 Jackson et al. (46) Birth cohort, 289 newborns with at least one parent with one or more positive aeroallergen SPT and/or a history of physician diagnosed asthma sIgE to aeroallergens and food allergens at 1 and 3 years of age, plus SPTs to 12 aeroallergens at 5 years of age 6 years of age Aeroallergen sensitization at the age of 1 and 3 years was associated with increased risk for asthma at the age of 6 years
18 Devulapalli et al. (47) Nested case–control study

Children aged 2 years, 265 cases with recurrent or persistent doctor confirmed bronchial obstruction and 251 controls (the same population as in study No. 14)
SPTs to food allergens and aeroallergens at the age of 2 years 10 years Atopic sensitization at the age of 2 years did not differ between asthmatic and non-asthmatic children at the age of 10 years
19 Just et al. (48) A cohort of 219 infants <30 months with recurrent wheezing episodes sIgE antibodies to aeroallergens and food allergens 6 years In univariate analysis, allergic sensitization to at least one component of tested allergens was associated with persistence of wheezing at the age of 6 years. Absence of eosinophilia in combination with absence of allergic sensitization discriminated correctly 96% of children with wheezing in remission
20 Piippo-Savolainen et al. (49) A cohort of 83 children <2 years who were hospitalized for bronchiolitis sIgE antibodies to aeroallergens 8.5–10 and 13.5–15 years Early sensitization to seasonal pollens was associated with asthma at the age of 13.5–16 years
21 Eysink et al. (50) Cohort study, 752 children 1–4 years who had visited GP complaining for cough for at least the preceding 5 days sIgE antibodies to cat, dog, and HDM 6 years Sensitization by the age of 4 years was a prognostic indicator of asthma
22 Arshad et al. (51) Whole population birth cohort in the Isle of Wight, 1,456 newborns SPTs to aeroallergens and food allergens 10 years Asthma was associated with positive SPT at the age of 4 years
23 Kotaniemi-Syrjänen et al. (52) A cohort of 100 infants aged 1–23 months who were hospitalized with infection-related wheezing sIgE antibodies to aeroallergens and food allergens 5.6–8.8 years Positive sIgE (>0.35 kU/L) to aeroallergens was associated with the risk of school age asthma. The same was true for sIgE positive test to a mixture of food allergens but with a cut off value of 0.70 kU/L
24 Illi et al. (53) 1,314 children of German MAS birth cohort sIgE antibodies to food allergens and aeroallergens at 1, 2, 3, 5, 6, and 7 years of age 7 years Transient sensitization was not a risk factor for asthma at the age of 7 years. Children with persistent sensitization had increased risk for asthma at the age of 7 years provided that there was a positive parental history of asthma or atopy

SPT, skin prick test; HDM, house dust mite; BHR, bronchial hyperresponsiveness; sIgE, serum immunoglobulin E (IgE); OR, odds ratio; CI: 95% confidence interval.