Demographic information of the participants.
Participants | Age (years)/ Gender | Descriptions |
P-1 | 26/F | Currently working as the health assistant in a healthpost in a rural setting. She has an overall experience of five years in similar settings and sees around 20 patients daily. |
P-2 | 28/F | Chief of pharmaceutical services in a government regional hospital since last one year. She worked as a community pharmacist for three years prior to this employment, but at present, her job role involves mainly administrative things. |
P-3 | 52/M | Doctor specialised in general practice, practicing privately in a clinic inside a community pharmacy in urban setting. He has an overall experience of 23 years and attends more than 50 patients daily. |
P-4 | 36/M | Doctor practicing in a primary healthcare centre in rural part. He has an overall nine years of experience and sees around 25 patients daily. |
P-5 | 24/F | Pharmacist practicing in a private pharmacy. She has an experience of one year and approximately 20 patients visit her pharmacy daily. |
P-6 | 38/M | Health assistant since last 16 years, currently working in semi urban health post (20 patients daily). Also a pharmacy assistant and owns and run a pharmacy where he sees more than 20 patients daily. |
P-7 | 23/F | Works as a staff nurse in general medicine ward of a private hospital in urban setting since last three years. The hospital has 25 beds in general ward. |
P-8 | 41/F | Nurse specialised in mental health in a private teaching hospital, has 20 year experience as nurse and see around five patients daily. |
P-9 | 30/M | Pharmacist working in a private pharmacy since last eight years in rural area. Currently attends more than 25 patients daily. |