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. 2017 Dec 15;603-604:196–218. doi: 10.1016/j.scitotenv.2017.05.242

Table 4.

Parameters involved in the calibration with their range before and after calibration. The values in the bracket represent the average of calibrated values. For each parameter the related SWAT input file, the method of calibration (M = manual; SA = semi-automatic calibration using SUFI-2), and type of data used for calibration are reported.

Module Process Parameter and input file Definition Unit Range Calibrated Range (average value) Data used in calibration Calibration method
Crop yields Plant growth HVSTI.crop Crop harvest index for optimal growing conditions NA 0.02–2 0.04–2.5 (0.68) EUROSTAT (2013) M
Plant growth T_OPT.crop Optimal temperature for plant growth oC 12.5–30 12.5–30 (22.6) EUROSTAT (2013) M
Plant growth T_BASE.crop Minimum/base temperature for plant growth oC 0–12 0 EUROSTAT (2013) M
Water Baseflow Baseflow alpha factor d 0–1 0.26–0.98 (0.73) Monthly streamflow SA
Surface runoff CN2.mgt1 SCS runoff curve number for moisture condition II NA − 15–+15 e − 15–+15 (10) Daily surface runoff SA
Surface runoff CH_N1.sub Manning's value for tributary channel NA 0.025 - 0.30 0.01–0.14 (0.096) Daily surface runoff SA
Tile drainage flow DDRAIN.mgt1a Depth to subsurface tile mm 0–2000 300–900 (687) Monthly streamflow SA
Tile drainage flow DEP_IMP.hrua Depth to impervious layer mm 0–6000 1050–6000 (3100) Monthly streamflow SA
Lateral flow EPCO.hru Plant evaporation compensation factor NA 0.01–1 0.01–0.94 (0.44) Daily lateral flow SA
Lateral flow ESCO.hru Soil evaporation compensation factor NA 0.01–1 0.03–0.99 (0.57) Daily lateral flow SA
Tile drainage flow GDRAIN.mgt1a Drainage lag time hr 0–100 1–40 (20) Monthly streamflow SA
Baseflow Groundwater delay d 0–500 0.75–498 (41) Monthly streamflow SA
Baseflow Threshold depth of water in the shallow aquifer required for return flow to occur mm 0–1000 5.5–991 (618) Monthly streamflow SA
Baseflow Groundwater ‘revap’ coefficient NA 0.02–2 0.02–0.19 (0.06) Monthly streamflow SA
Snow proecess PLAPS.sub Precipitation laps rate mm/km 0–100 0.97–64.7 (24) Monthly streamflow SA
Baseflow Groundwater recharge to deep aquifer fr 0–1 0.005–0.93 (0.09) Monthly streamflow SA
Baseflow Threshold depth of water in the shallow aquifer for revap to occur mm 0–500 0.25–443 (196) Monthly streamflow SA
Snow melt SFTMP.sno Snowfall temperature oC − 5–+5 − 1.57–1.11 (− 0.84) Monthly streamflow SA
Snow melt SMFMN.sno Melt rate for snow on Dec 21 mm H2O °C 1 d− 1 0–10 0.09–9.66 (5.10) Daily streamflow SA
Snow melt SMFMX.sno Melt rate for snow on Jun 21 mm H2O °C 1 d− 1 0–10 0.01–9.97 (4.36) Daily streamflow SA
Snow melt SMTMP.sno Snowmelt base temperature oC − 5–+5 − 0.17–2.53 (0.60) Monthly streamflow SA
Lateral flow/Infiltration SOL_AWC.sol Available water capacity of the soil layer fr − 25–+25 − 25–+25 (10) Daily lateral flow SA
Lateral flow/Infiltration SOL_K.sol Saturated hydraulic conductivity mm h− 1 − 25–+25 − 25–+25 (16) Daily lateral flow SA
Snow melt TIMP.sno Snow pack temperature lag factor 0.01–1 0.01–0.55 (0.18) Monthly streamflow SA
Snow melt TLAPS.sub Temperature laps rate °C/km − 10–0 − 9.82 to − 1.83 (− 5.37) Monthly streamflow SA
Tile drainage flow RE.hru/.sdr Effective radius of drains mm 5d–100 5–100 (52) Monthly streamflow SA
Tile drainage flow SDRAIN.hru/.sdr Distance between two drain or tile tubes mm 7600–30,000 5060–27,700 (16020) Monthly streamflow SA
Tile drainage flow DDRAIN_CO.hru/.sdr Drainage coefficient mm/day 10–51 6–50 (24) Monthly streamflow SA
Tile drainage flow LATKSATF.hru/.sdr Multiplication factor to determine lateral ksat from SWAT ksat input value NA 0.01–4 0.09–3.4 (1.22) Monthly streamflow SA
Nutrients Denitrification CDN.bsn Denitrification exponential rate coefficient NA 0–3 2.5 Velthof et al. (2009) M/SA
Mineralization CMN.bsn Rate factor for humus mineralization of active organic nitrogen NA 0.0001–0.0003 0.000145 Monthly concentration M/SA
Transport of nitrogen with sediment ERORGN.hru Organic nitrogen enrichment ratio NA 0–5 0.05–4.5 (0.7) Monthly concentration M/SA
Shallow aquifer nitrates Half-life of nitrate–nitrogen in the shallow aquifer day− 1 0–200 0–200 (116) Monthly concentration M/SA
Nitrogen percolation NPERCO.bsn Nitrogen percolation coefficient NA 0–1 0.5 Monthly concentration M/SA
Nitrogen settling rate NSETLR1.lwq = NSETLR2.lwqb Nitrogen settling rate m/year 1 - 150c 5.5–150 (30) Monthly concentration M/SA
Nitrogen uptake N_UPDIS.bsn Nitrogen uptake distribution parameter NA 1–31 28 Monthly concentration M/SA
Residue RSDCO.bsn Residue decomposition coefficient NA 0.02–1 0.02 Monthly concentration M/SA
Denitrification SDNCO.bsn Denitrification threshold water content NA 0–1 1 Velthof et al. (2009) M/SA
Transport of phosphorus with sediment ERORGP.hru Organic phosphorus enrichment ratio NA 0–5 0–0.25 (0.1) Monthly concentration M/SA
Phosphorus settling rate PSETLR1.lwq = PSETLR2.lwqb Phosphorus settling rate m/year 1–150c 9.5–150 (57) Monthly concentration M/SA

Only in tile drained HRUs


The nitrogen and phosphorus settling rate didn't change during the year.


The range of settling rate of nutrients in reservoirs was set larger that the default accordingly with Panuska and Robertson (1999).


The lower limit of the RE was set to 5 mm to investigate all the possible range of values


CN2 was set to 30 in the HRUs with tile drain systems