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. 2017 Jul 17;2017:6304248. doi: 10.1155/2017/6304248

Table 1.

Phenotype and fatty acid characteristics of Cellvibrio species.

1 2 3 4 5 6
16S rDNA similarity to PR1 (%) 100 98.6 98 97.4 97.3 95.7
G+C content (mol%) 49.98 48 47.4–48.4 52.6 44.6 44.9
Nitrate reduced to nitrite + + + + +
Utilization of
 Maltose + + + + + +
 Arabinose + + + + + +
 Mannose + + +
 N-Acetyl-D-glucosamine + + + + +
 Carboxymethyl cellulose + + + + +
 Agar +
 Chitin + + +
Valine arylamidase +
Acid phosphatase + + +
β-Galactosidase +
β-Glucosidase + + + + +
α-Galactosidase + + + + +
β-Glucuronidase + + +
α-Fucosidase +
Leucine arylamidase + + + + +
Naphthol-AS-BI-phosphohydrolase + + + +
Growth at 4°C (14 days) + + +
Growth at 37°C + +
Mucoid growth on TSA + +
Yellow pigment on TSA + + +
Fatty acid:
 10:0 2.33 4.8–7.1 4.1–8.2 2.6–5.8 4.20 4.3–6.9
 10:0 3-OH 2.57 7.7–10.7 5.5–13.4 13.00 6.50 6.1–10.9
 12:0 1.99 5.4–7.7 4.0–7.2 tr 4.40 4.4–5.8
 11:0 3-OH 0.0–1.1 tr tr
 12:0 2-OH 3.3–5.4 2.8–6.0 7.8–11.0 3.60 2.6–3.9
 12:1 3-OH 4.06 1.30
 12:0 3-OH 1.0–1.5 tr tr
 14:0 1.97 1.6–2.5 1.2–2.4 1.3–1.7 tr 0.9–1.2
 15:0 0.0–1.3 tr 0.9–1.9 2.20 tr
 16:0 36.74 15.7–20.0 18.5–27.8 14.3–18.0 19.70 17.6–20.9
 17:0 2.40 1.6–4.5 0.0–1.9 2.2–3.7 5.70 1.3–2.0
 17:1ω8c tr tr tr tr
 18:0 8.78 0.0–2.8 0.0–1.6 tr 3.10 tr
 18:1ω6c 0.0–2.8 0.0–3.3 0.0–4.3
 18:1ω7c 11.4–19.0 7.3–15.3 11.3–17.9 16.80 12.9–19.8
 18:1ω9c 2.87
 19:0 2.90
 20:0 6.81
 ECL 11.799 tr
 ECL 18.814 tr
 Summed feature 2 2.47
 Summed feature 3 17.37 25.6–34.0 34.4–38.1 30.4–34.9 30.90 34.1–38.2
 Summed feature 8 6.75

Strains: 1, PR1; 2, Cellvibrio fibrivorans LMG 18561T; 3, Cellvibrio ostraviensis LMG 19434T; 4, Cellvibrio mixtus ACM 2601T; 5, Cellvibrio fulvus LMG 2847T; 6, Cellvibrio vulgaris NCIMB 8633T. —, not detected; tr, trace (≤1.0% of total). Unknown fatty acids are designated by their equivalent chain-length (ECL), relative to the chain lengths of known saturated fatty acids. Summed feature 2 comprises iso-C16:1 I, C14:0 3-OH, and/or an unknown fatty acid. Summed feature 3 comprises C15:0 iso 2-OH, C16:1ω7c, or both. Summed feature 8 comprises C18:1ω7c and/or C18:1ω6c. Data for related Cellvibrio species came from Humphry et al. [22] and Mergaert et al. [23].