Isolation of VSEL from peripheral blood nucleated cells by hypotnic lysis of erythrocytes and sterile, live cell sorting using FACSAria cell sorting system (Panel A). Sorting was based on the immunophenotype (lin−CXCR4+CD34+CD133+CD45−) of VSEL. Gating strategy enabled to include small events consistent with the size range of VSEL (5-7 μm). Events contained by gate P1 were characterized by the absence of lineage markers and presence of CD34, CD133 and CXCR4 (gate P2) and absence of CD45 (gate P3) which represent the population of VSEL (Panel B).
Panel A. Procedure flowchart
Panel B. Sorting of subpopulation of non-hematopoietic CD45− lin−CD34+, lin−CD45− CD133+ and lin−CD45−CXCR4+ VSEL.