Fig. 2.
cg antagonizes eya functions during retinal development. (A,B) Adult ‘eyeless' phenotype associated with ey-GAL4-driven eya knockdown; eye loss is never observed in the driver-alone control. (C-F) cg heterozygosity, with either a null allele or a deficiency, suppresses the ey>eyaRNAi eyeless phenotype. (G) Quantification of penetrance of eye loss (n≥91 animals). Flies were scored for the presence of pigmented retinal tissue in both eye fields. (H,I) GMR-GAL4-driven eya knockdown reduces eye size and pigmentation; the driver alone produces a mild rough eye phenotype. (J,K) cg heterozygosity restores eye size and pigmentation in eya knockdown animals, but does not modify the driver-alone phenotype.