Figure 3. UPF1 knockdown promotes a myogenic gene expression program, including MYOD-specific targets.
(A) Schematic illustrating when RNA was collected for RNA-seq (Day 2) during differentiation of 54-1 myoblasts following control or UPF1 KD.
(B) Gene Ontology (GO) enrichment analysis of genes that were up-regulated by ≥1.5-fold following UPF1 versus control KD at Day 2.
(C) Relative mRNA levels of genes that are specifically activated by MYOD and not other myogenic factors (red) (Conerly et al., 2016; Ishibashi et al., 2005), as well as MYOD mRNA itself (purple), following UPF1 versus control KD at Day 2. The illustrated genes exhibited increases in expression of ≥1.5-fold.
(D) Immunoblots for UPF1 and MYOD proteins one day following transfection with a control or UPF1-targeting siRNA (Day -1, or equivalently Hour -24), one day prior to the induction of differentiation. H3, loading control histone H3. Bar plots, quantification of UPF1 and MYOD relative to the loading control.