phoR mutant of Mtb H37Rv has
the same phenotypes as the phoP mutant. (a) Schematic
illustration of the phoR mutant design. DNA sequence
(∼50 bp) encompassing His259 codon in the phoR gene was replaced by a DNA fragment containing a hygromycin-resistant
gene. (b) Sensitivity of the phoP and phoR mutants to vancomycin. Disk diffusion assays were performed to compare
the sensitivities of H37Rv, the phoP mutant (ST100),7 the phoR mutant (ST163), and
the phoR-complemented strain (ST168) to vancomycin
(800 ng/μL). Bars indicate the average zones of inhibition in
millimeters from three independent experiments, and error bars indicate
standard deviations. (c) Growth of Mtb strains in
the mouse lung comparing strains of the wild-type H37Rv (solid line
with diamonds), phoP mutant ST100 (solid line with
squares), and phoR mutant ST163 (dashed line with
triangles). (d) Growth of Mtb strains in the mouse
lung comparing strains of the wild-type H37Rv (solid line with diamonds), phoR mutant ST163 (dashed line with triangles), and phoR mutant complemented with phoPR (ST184)
(solid line with circles). For panels (c,d), each data point is the
average of three experiments, and the error bar is the standard deviation.