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. 2017 Aug 1;95(8):584–593. doi: 10.2471/BLT.17.193375

Table 1. Key characteristics of the eight studies included in the systematic review of decentralized versus centralized care for multidrug-resistant tuberculosis, 1994–2013.

Author, year, location Study design Year of intervention Sample size for intervention/control HIV prevalence in study population (%) Description of arms
Method of selection of intervention group Timing of intervention
Outcomes measured
Control Intervention Within treatment Relative to control
Loveday et al.22 2015, KwaZulu-Natal, South Africa Prospective cohort 2008–2010 736/813 75 Treatment in central specialized tuberculosis hospital Treatment in rural hospital followed by outpatient home- or clinic-based DOT, by health workers Based on residential location Intensive phasea Concurrent Death, loss to follow-up, treatment failure, treatment success
Chan et al.19 2013, Taiwan, China Retrospective cohort 2007–2008 290/361 0.9 Hospital and out-patient clinics Home- based DOT, by observers and nurses Time period Entire duration of treatment Consecutive Treatment success
Kerschberger et al.b 2016, Swaziland Retrospective cohort 2008–2013 157/298 81 Clinic-based care in which patients visited nearest health facility daily Home-based DOT, by trained community volunteers Based on residential location and socioeconomic status Intensive phase Concurrent Cost of care, death, loss to follow-up, treatment failure, treatment success
Narita et al.24 2001, Florida, USA Retrospective cohort 1994–1997 31/39 44.3 Treatment in specialized tuberculosis hospital Outpatient DOT and/or SAT Selected for control if: failing treatment, needed treatment of other medical condition and/or non-adherent Entire duration of treatment Concurrent Death, treatment completion
Gler et al.21 2012, Philippines Retrospective cohort 2003–2006 167/416 NR Treatment in central hospital Community- based DOT, by trained health-care workers Time period After sputum-culture conversion Consecutive Loss to follow-up
Cox et al.20 2014, Khayelitsha, South Africa Retrospective cohort 2008–2010 512/206 72 Hospital-based care Community-based care integrated into existing primary care tuberculosis and HIV services. Based on residential location Entire duration of treatment Consecutive Death, loss to follow-up, treatment failure, treatment success
Musa et al.23 2016, Nigeria Modelling N/A N/A NR Hospital-based care Home-based DOT, by trained health-care providers Random selection Intensive phase N/A Health-system costs
Sinanovic et al.25 2015, Khayelitsha, South Africa Modelling N/A 467c 72 Fully hospitalized model in which patients stay in hospital until culture conversion A model of fully decentralized care in primary health-care clinics, plus other models of partially decentralized care N/A Entire duration of treatment N/A Health-system costs

DOT: directly observed therapy; HIV: human immunodeficiency virus; N/A: not applicable; NR: not reported; SAT: self-administered therapy; USA: United States of America.

a Intensive phase defined by inclusion of an injectable antibiotic in the treatment regimen.

b Unpublished study from Médecins Sans Frontières, Mbabane, Swaziland, 2016.

c Total number of patients used in four different models of multidrug-resistant tuberculosis care.