Fig 1. Meclizine stimulates glycolytic metabolism in DRG neurons.
ECAR and lactate release are elevated by meclizine. Following ‘in-port’ addition of 30 μM meclizine, baseline ECAR was elevated by ~40% (A, red) with no change in OCR (B, red). Meclizine did not affect ECAR or OCR responses to mitochondrial effectors, FCCP and antimycin A. ECAR response to FCCP was partially abolished by the addition of antimycin A, reflecting elimination of the portion of extracellular acidification contributed by mitochondrial production of CO2. (C) Graph shows ~50% increase in extracellular lactate 2.5 h after meclizine supplementation; simultaneous addition of 15 mM 2DG abolished the increase (diagonal lines). Data are presented as mean±SEM for 4 independent experiments. *indicates different from control and from 2DG; P<0.05. (D) Meclizine stimulates ECAR and suppresses OCR in primary astrocytes. After ‘in-port’ addition of 30 μM meclizine, ECAR and OCR are modified reaching a 3-fold increase and 50% decrease, respectively.