Fig. 8.
Superposition of EM reconstruction models (in mesh) with the X-ray structure (in ribbon) of one half of the dimeric core complex. A, Half of the RC-LH1-PufX dimer X-ray structure, but with PufX omitted, is modelled into the density for the PufX− complex. An extra density outlined with a red ellipse corresponds to two extra LH1αβ subunits. B, Half of the RC-LH1-PufX dimer X-ray structure is modelled into the density of the monomeric PufX R49/53L complex. LH1β in blue, LH1α in yellow, PufX in red, RC-H in cyan, RC-M in magenta and RC-L in brown. BChl pigments have been omitted for clarity. The EM models were shrunk 10% to reduce or eliminate the effects caused by detergent and stain on their size [46], [47], [48].