Fig. 2.
DHPR Ca2+ currents are smaller in sterlet than in rabbit skeletal muscle. (A) GLT myotubes transfected with st-α1S (red circles; n = 20) expressed substantial DHPR currents, but significantly lower (p < 0.001) than rb-α1S expressing myotubes (blue squares; n = 28). Control recordings with zf-α1S (green diamonds; n = 19) displayed the expected lack of inward Ca2+ currents [18]. (B) Overexpression of st-α1S (n = 6) or rb-α1S (n = 12) in zebrafish (zf) myotubes showed in general, a higher current density but again a significant (p < 0.01) difference of similar dimension like observed in GLT myotubes. Representative current traces are shown on the right and current-voltage (I–V) graphs on the left. (For interpretation of the references to colour in this figure legend, the reader is referred to the web version of this article.)