Figure 3. iRep and bPTR calculations agree for a novel Deltaproteobacterium sampled from groundwater.
(a) bPTR was calculated after determining the origin and terminus of replication based on regression to coverage calculated across the genome. Coverage was calculated for 10 Kbp windows sampled every 100 bp (see Online Methods). The ratio between the coverage at the origin and terminus was determined after applying a median filter. The cumulative GC skew pattern confirms the genome assembly and locations of the origin and terminus of replication. (b) iRep was determined by first calculating coverage over 5 Kbp windows sampled every 100 bp, and then the resulting values were sorted. High and low coverage windows were removed, and then the slope of the remaining (trimmed) values was determined and used to evaluate the coverage at the origin and terminus of replication: iRep was calculated as the ratio of these values. (r2 was calculated between trimmed data and the linear regression).