a Effect of quercetin on histopathologic changes in the liver of normal and experimental rats, H&E staining from normal rats. Section of control liver (i) showing normal architecture with hepatocytes radiating from the central vein and normal hepatocytes and no pathological changes, (ii) AC-treated rat liver showing fibrosis, steatosis, fatty inflammation marked and necrosis with fatty deposits, (iii) AC + quercetin-treated liver showing the amelioration of distorted architecture and ammonium chloride-induced steatosis & other pathological changes and (iv) quercetin treated liver with central vein and normal hepatocytes. Original magnification—×40. b Effect of quercetin on histopathologic changes in the brain of rats. (i) Control rat brain with typical appearance of the normal architecture, (ii) AC-treated rat brain showing necrosis and microcystic degeneration, (iii) AC + quercetin treated brain showing amelioration of necrosis and mild microcystic degeneration and (iv) quercetin treated rat brain with normal architecture (magnification—×40). c Effect of quercetin on histopathologic changes in the kidney (i) Control rat kidney shows no pathological changes, (ii) AC treated kidney with proximal tubular necrosis, (iii) AC + quercetin treated kidney showing amelioration of necrosis in glomeruli surrounded by tubules and (iv) quercetin treated rat kidney shows no pathological changes (magnification—×40)