Figure 3.
The reconstruction and properties of Protein-Protein Interactions Encapsulated by MINs (PIE-MINs) across different cancer types. (a) The construction of PIE-MIN. Here, the gene pair DDX39A-PRM1 (green nodes) from an ovarian cancer inferred network is used as an illustrative example. Of more than ~1,000,000 possible undirected paths connecting a given gene pair, the shortest protein-protein interaction path (red edges) is computed using Dijkstra’s algorithm. The procedure is repeated for all gene pairs in the MIN; proteins found within the shortest path (blue nodes) between all gene pairs comprise the complete PIE-MIN for a given cancer. (b) Genes universally observed in all 9 cancer PIE-MINs. Heatmap plot based on the frequency of the shortest paths passing through a given gene for all gene pairs in a MIN at log2 scale. (c) Enriched canonical pathways for PIE-MIN using genes of top 500 frequencies. Heatmap plot based on the negative of enrichment p-values at log2 scale. (d) PIE-MIN genes of top 10 highest frequencies that appeared in shortest paths for all gene pairs in a MIN for each cancer type.