Figure 1.
Purification and reconstruction of C1 and C2. (A) Domain organization of ATG14L and UVRAG. (B, C) Chromatography of C1 and C2 on Superose 6 10/300 GL columns. The dark curves show the UV absorbance at 280 nm, and the peaks containing C1 and C2 are marked by red lines along with the elution volume. SDS-PAGE analyses of the complexes in the peaks are shown at the right of the top panels in B and C. The corresponding proteins are labeled on the left of the PAGE images. The molecular weights of the standard markers are labeled on the right. Classical 2D class averages of cryo-EM images of C1 and C2 are shown in the bottom panels. (D) In vitro lipid kinase assay of C1 and C2. Data are represented as mean ± SD (n = 3). (E) 3D reconstruction volume of C1 (grey) with a threshold of 3.9 σ. The model in the bottom panel is rotated 90 degrees along the main axis compared to the model in the top panel. (F) 3D reconstruction volume of C2 (yellow) with a threshold of 3.8 σ. The model in the bottom panel is rotated 90 degrees along the main axis compared to the model in the top panel.