Fig. 4.
Average movement trajectories and perpendicular velocity traces of age-matched controls (n = 19) and cerebellar subjects (n = 19). Movements were rotated so that each movement was toward the same target direction and then averaged over 2 bins (12 trials). Movement trajectories and velocity traces show means ± SE A: movement trajectories of control subjects. Movements start at the bottom of the panel and end at the top. Baseline refers to the last 12 baseline trials (bins 11 and 12), early refers to bins 1 and 2 of the force-field set, middle refers to bins 12 and 13, and late refers to bins 23 and 24. CB, Cerebellar stimulation. B: velocity perpendicular to target direction in control subjects. C: movement trajectories of cerebellar subjects. D: velocity perpendicular to target direction in cerebellar subjects. There was no significant difference in perpendicular velocity at 55 ms among stimulation types (F2, 71.1 = 1.03, P = 0.36).