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. 2017 Jun 29;17(7):1527. doi: 10.3390/s17071527

Table 1.


Symbol Description
RS Sensing radius of a sensor node.
RC Communication radius of a sensor node.
ET Consumed energy of sending per unit data.
ER Consumed energy of receiving per unit data.
d The size of data collected by a sensor node.
ORi,j Overlapping rate of sensing area of two nodes vi and vj.
ORT Threshold of overlapping rate of sensing area.
GAi Gathering area with vi as the gathering node.
GN Gathering node, which aggregates the data collected in a gathering area.
CGi Candidate gathering node set of vi.
CPi Candidate parent node set of vi, including all the upper-level nodes that couldcommunicate with vi directly.
Ni Neighbor node set of vi, which consists of the nodes at the same level that couldcommunicate with vi directly.
Li Level of vi, and LiN+.
diT The total amount of data transferred from vi.
diR The total amount of data received by vi.
EGNi The energy consumed for delivering aggregated data from the gathering node vi.
EGAi The total energy cost of the nodes in the gathering area GAi.
Eik The total energy cost of transmitting data of node vk to the sink via another node vi.
FNn Free nodes at the level n.